E1 Intro to the POP Podcast

Welcome to Episode 1 of the Propel On Purpose Podcast! Your host & HR Business Bestie, Anyelis is so excited to launch the very first episode, sharing a bit about her own business journey, why she started this podcast AND how it’ll empower small business owners like you. Remember, though entrepreneurship can feel lonely and like a constant grind, you don’t have to do it alone. Let’s POP! KEY POINTS: - Anyelis’s personal life journey and the path to entrepreneurship - The connection between entrepreneurship and creating generational wealth - The 5 segments to the podcast - Pause & Process: journal prompts for midyear reflections QUOTABLES: [As a business owner] “You’re the one ultimately responsible for EVERYTHING. So part of the reason for launching this podcast is to create more community, to have authentic conversations about what it’s like to run a successful business.” Ready to maximize your people resources? Email Anyelis at [email protected] to schedule an HR Consultation. Follow Propel On Purpose on social media: IG | @propelonpurpose FB | facebook.com/propelonpurpose LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/propelonpurpose Follow POP’s Founder, Anyelis Cordero on social media: IG | @anyeliscordero.mhrm LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/anyeliscordero