A Culture & Leadership transformation company,

providing businesses with HR Solutions to hire & manage inclusive,

  high performing teams and leaders. 

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Hello Business Bestie - I'm Anyelis, Your HR Business Bestie!

My courageous Afro-Chinese-Cuban mother migrated to Union City, NJ with child in tote (4yr old me) as part of a US sponsored political refugee program, with nothing but hope for a better future.  Thanks to the generosity & grace of our comunidad, we were able to plant roots for our familia.  As a first generation immigrant, like many immigrants and children of immigrants, I grew up with that fire in my soul to achieve the American Dream, the pressure to make mom’s sacrifices worthwhile and a deep sense of responsibility to pay forward the kindness that paved the path of opportunity for us.

What I didn't realize was that being the first generation in the US meant I’d have a lifetime of challenging firsts.  First to attend & graduate from college, first to have a professional career, first to earn a masters, first to work in Corporate America, first to own a profitable business.  There are unique challenges that come with being a first-gen student, professional & business owner.  Being the first often means we lack the blueprint & resources, and therefore have to work really hard to trailblaze toward "success." 

It’s taken me 16yrs since that first degree (and a lot of therapy & coaching) to learn how to manage limiting beliefs, navigate imposter syndrome, not compromise on my cultural values and identity, stop caring about lo que digan la gente, and create a fulfilling life.  As first gens, we embrace the idea of "echar pa'lante" without the privilege of slowing down to make sure that, that forward movement aligns with our values & intentions, not what everyone else wants/needs from us.  El secreto is getting clear about our purpose, harnessing the power of our unique experiences, consistent use of tools that maximize our performance & embodying our highest potential.  

Now, as an HR Consultant, Coach & Speaker, I help leaders at organizations committed to empowering first gen, diverse employees, professionals & students. The mission of POP is to empower first gens to grow, lead & build generational wealth aka achieve the ultimate American Dream.

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Hello Business Bestie!

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